Book Cover Tier 1
1 Paperback cover (front, spine, and back cover)

1 Ebook cover (front cover only)
Two inside title pages
Book Cover Tier 2
Base price: $350USD

1 Bookmark Design, front and back
Book Cover Tier 3
Base price: $300USD

1 Static Promotional Social Media Graphic in three sizes.

Book Cover Tier 4
Base price: $400USD

1 Ebook cover (front cover only)

1 Paperback cover (front, spine, and back cover)
Two inside title pages

1 Ebook cover (front cover only)

1 Paperback cover (front, spine, and back cover)
Two inside title pages

1 Ebook cover (front cover only)
1 Paperback cover (front, spine, and back cover)
Two inside title pages
1 Bookmark Design, front and back

1 Static Promotional Social Media Graphic in three sizes.
Base price: $250USD

Looking for a professional looking cover, but custom covers not in your budget? We have premade covers for varying genres available to purchase for only $125 CAD!
Every premade will include a paperback and ebook cover. All covers are only sold once and will be exclusively yours.

Base price: $200USD.
Products can be purchased individually for a base price of $50 USD.
Package includes 4 of the following:

1 Sticker Design
Bookmark (front and back design)
Notebook Cover
Bookplate for author to sign

Package includes 3 of the following:
Square Promotional Graphics
Horizontal Promotional Graphics
Vertical promotional graphic
GIF/Video of book promotion
Twitter, Tumblr, and/or Facebook banner
Website banner/images

Base price: $150.
Products can be purchased individually for a base price of $50 USD.

A special request is anything a client is looking to have designed that isn’t mentioned or included in any of the packages above.
A special request could include but is not limited to: fantasy map, family trees, formatting artwork into book cover, trading cards, hand drawn characters.
Designer and client will meet to discuss request.